How to register for a surgery

In order to register for a surgery, a patient should first attend a medical consultation with a selected specialist who is a member of the ZImna Woda hospital team of surgeons, either in Zimna Woda clinic or in their private office.

The names of the specialists consulting patients in Zimna Woda and specialists who are members of the Zimna Woda hospital team of surgeons can be found in the team tab.

During the consultation, the patient will receive information about the recommended surgery and its cost. After accepting the recommended surgery, the patient will receive a referral to hospital and a list of tests that they should perform before the planned anaesthesiological consultation.

Telephone registration

Online registration

Qualification for a surgery

The first step for a patient who needs a surgery is a consultation with a specialist in the outpatient clinic in Zimna Woda or a cooperating specialist performing medical procedures at CM MEDYK Zimna Woda Hospital.

The purpose of consultation

Qualification for a surgery is based on a consultation with a specialist in the outpatient clinic in Zimna Woda or a cooperating specialist performing medical procedures at CM MEDYK Zimna Woda Hospital who will determine the indications for surgical treatment and issue a surgical referral. They will inform the patient what the surgery involves and the estimated price. They will issue a referral for tests necessary for the anaesthesiological consultation.

Anaesthesia consultation

Anaesthesia consultation is the next step in qualifying the patient for the medical procedure. The patient should attend the consultation with the test results ordered by the referring physician. Anaesthesiologist

  • interviews the patient in order to exclude contraindications
  • informs the patient about the optimal type of anaesthesia for the
  • lanned surgery and what to expect during the surgery
  • Instructs the patient how to prepare for the surgery
Preparation for surgery - recommendations

In order for the patient to be discharged from hospital, an accompanying person must be present to collect and assist the patient.

Bring your referral and current test results (the specification is provided below). It is recommended to get vaccinated against viral hepatitis B 6 weeks before the planned surgery (2 doses).


  • blood group
  • complete blood count; sodium, potassium; creatinine; glucose; PT, APTT, INR, plasma protein
  • general urinalysis (before spine surgery and joint replacement)
  • nasal swab onto transport media to detect nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus The test is required before hip or knee joint replacement
  • Lung X-ray (description) – patients over 50 years of age or suffering from chronic respiratory diseases or with a history of acute bronchopulmonary infections (valid for 2 years)
  • imaging examinations of the organ subjected to surgery ordered by the surgeon (X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging)
  • ECG performed within two weeks before the procedure


  • regularly taken medication in their original packaging, along with the dosage regimen for the period of hospitalization
  • a certificate from your general practitioner regarding your general health status + perioperative recommendations: a certificate from your attending physician is required in the case of diseases such as diabetes, thyroid disease, and heart disease,
  • a certificate of the absence of inflammation (before spine surgery and joint replacement) from a dentist (all patients), gynaecologist (women), urologist (men – in the case of undergoing urinary system treatment)


Smoking tobacco: Smokers should significantly reduce/stop smoking six weeks before the planned surgery due to the increased risk of infection and thromboembolic complications.

Diet: Easily digestible diet is recommended two days before the planned surgery (portions should not be too large). Steamed, boiled or baked dishes are also recommended. Meals should be nutritious and freshly prepared. Fatty and fried food, thick soups and sauces, as well as flatulent dishes are not recommended, because they are difficult to digest and remain in the stomach for a long time.

REMEMBER to remove your nail polish

NOTE: If you experience chills, sore throat, cough, fever or other signs of illness before surgery, contact your doctor immediately.

Admission to hospital

Before all planned procedures and surgeries the patient is recommended to have a valid vaccination against viral hepatitis B (2 doses).

On the day of the procedure, the patient reports to the hospital reception desk from where they are transferred to their room in the appropriate hospital department accompanied by a nurse. The time of arrival to hospital is agreed with the patient a few days before the procedure.

Necessary documents and personal belongings:

Upon admission to hospital, the patient is required to have the following documents and personal belongings:

  • identity document (identity card, passport)
  • referral to hospital
  • original blood group test result or a blood type card
  • current laboratory tests (as listed below)
  • documents regarding the current procedure (e.g. The results of ultrasound, magnetic resonance, computed tomography, X-ray, FNAB, i.e., biopsy, and histopathological examinations)
  • documentation of previous treatment (e.g. hospital information cards)
  • if the patient suffers from chronic diseases, certificates from specialists, e.g., neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist regarding their health condition and treatment modification in the perioperative period
  • specification of currently taken medications. Please take non-standard drugs, inhalation drugs and injector pens with you
  • completed anaesthesiological and epidemiological questionnaire received from your doctor at the qualifying visit or obtained in the Admission Room beforehand.
  • pyjamas, bathrobe, slippers and toiletries
  • If you do not have a valid blood group test result, please report to the laboratory a few days before the date of the procedure. If you do not have your blood type test result, or if you are missing important information regarding your medical history, the procedure may not take place or it may be postponed.

Specification of recommended tests

  • blood type (original document with current personal data)
  • complete blood count
  • glucose
  • electrolytes (Na, K)
  • urea or creatinine
  • PTT, INR, PT
  • Lung X-ray (over 50 years of age)
  • and additional tests indicated by the doctor during the consultation

Where can I perform the laboratory tests?

ul. Madejewskich 1, 38-200 Jasło
Specimen collection room working hours from Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
tel.: 13 446 41 58

Procedure and Hospitalisation

Both before and after the surgery, the patient remains under the professional care of the medical team. If necessary, the patient remains in the hospital for 24 hours.

Preparation for the examination

During the consultation, the attending physicians provide the patient with information on how to prepare for the procedure.

Please make sure to observe the following recommendations:

  • if an anticoagulant injection is recommended, it should be administered within 12-24 hours before surgery. You can do it yourself or in the treatment room at the hospital.
  • eat a light meal 12 hours before the procedure. You should not have breakfast on the day of the procedure, and you can drink small amounts of water (1/2 litre) up to 2 hours before surgery,
  • do not smoke or chew gum for at least 6 hours before the procedure,
  • taking medications on the day of surgery should be consulted with your surgeon and anaesthesiologist,
  • wash off your make-up, remove nail polish, jewellery and contact lenses

The rooms

We provide medical care in comfortable conditions. Every patient stays in a room with a bathroom, equipped with a nurse call system.


Patients hospitalised for 24 hours receive meals according to the diet prescribed by the medical team.

Discharge from hospital

At discharge, the patient receives a discharge information sheet and all the necessary documents, including:

  • postoperative recommendations,
  • nutrition and rehabilitation guidelines
  • medications and prescriptions,
  • sick leave

The follow-up consultation date is scheduled.

The final settlement of the hospital bill takes place at discharge – payment of charges for additional hospital services or reimbursement of any overpayment.

Preparation for ultrasound examination

Abdominal ultrasound examination requires appropriate preparation on the part of the patient. The retention of food content and gas in the stomach, duodenum and intestines constitutes an obstacle in the correct assessment of the abdominal organs.

On the day before the examination

Easily digestible diet is recommended, without raw vegetables, fruit and dark bread. You should have the last meal of the day by 7 p.m.. Additionally, you can take Espumisan 3 x 2 capsules. This medication is meant to remove air from your gastrointestinal tract because it constitutes an obstacle for ultrasound (Espumisan is available OTC). People who are obese or prone to constipation should take laxatives.

On the day of the examination:

It is recommended that the planned examination be performed in the morning with an empty stomach. If the examination is performed in the afternoon, the patient cannot consume any food or liquids apart from unsweetened still water (in particular, the you should not drink coffee or strong tea), nor smoke and chew gum within 6 hours prior to the examination. You can take 2 capsules of Espumisan.

2 hours before the examination:

You should drink 1 to 4 glasses of still water and refrain from urinating. The amount of fluid needed to fill the bladder depends on the individual characteristics. The bladder should be filled moderately, not maximally. When performing the ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, the patient may be asked to empty the bladder.


Current results of laboratory and imaging examination results (X-ray, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging).